8,200+ Mothers & Children Helped
The number of homeless mothers and children we’ve provided shelter and support to since 1985 has been more than 8,200.
1,368 Babies Born
Since 1985, 1,368 babies have been born to mothers living at Good Counsel homes. We’ve welcomed 74 newborns since 2023 alone.
Over 774,607 Nights of Shelter
Over 774,607 days of help and nights of shelter have been provided to homeless mothers and their children.
86% Employment
The average occupancy in our homes since 2023 has been 86%.
49,000+ Calls to Our 24/7 Helpline
More than 49,000 people have been assisted through our 24/7 helpline since it began in April 1996.
54% Educational Advancement
Since 2018, 54% of our residents have achieved educational advancement.