As we step into our 40th year of service, we embrace a renewed vision for the future of Good Counsel Homes. In a world that often overlooks the profound needs of mothers, we stand firm in our commitment to building a culture of life—a culture that sees, loves, and uplifts both mother and child.
Good Counsel has always been more than a safe haven for pregnant women in crisis. We are a beacon of hope, a lifeline for women navigating real financial, medical, and spiritual challenges. As Michael Knowles rightly said, “Nobody does that better than Good Counsel.” Our mission transcends providing shelter; it is about creating a home where every mother finds the strength to rise and every child has the opportunity to thrive.
Sr. Deirdre Byrne reminds us of an essential truth: a culture of life demands more than saving babies; it calls us to serve the women who bring them into the world. At Good Counsel, we live this reality every day. By saving mothers, we empower them to save their children—a ripple effect of love and transformation.
We need your help to continue this vital mission. Support Good Counsel today by making a one-time donation, pledging a monthly gift, or volunteering through opportunities listed on our website. You can also join the team working at one of our four homes. Building a culture of life will take all of us—our time, talent, and treasure. Together, we can ensure every mother and child has the future they deserve.
Good Counsel: Saving Moms, Saving Babies, Since 1985. Let’s make 2025 a year of life-changing impact.
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