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Q. How Many Babies Saved Since 1985?

Tricia A. Christ
Tricia A. Christ
September 3, 2019

A. 1,189!

In case you missed it, we recently hit a milestone for Good Counsel Homes - we recently welcomed our 25th baby of 2019!  Sarenitee was born on  August 18th and is also the 1,189 baby born into the Good Counsel family since 1985.

All of the brave mothers who reside at Good Counsel said, "Yes," to life confident in the knowledge that they now lived in a home, not a shelter, but a real house where they would receive love and acceptance, support from staff, and their fellow moms.  They weren't alone the day that they gave birth to their son or daughter, but had a caring house manager or case manager at their side through it all.  Before and after they gave birth, they were able to gain essential life skills, further their education, and learn how to budget and manage their finances.  Some received treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction at our specialized Daystar home.

Moms at Good Counsel are provided all of the above because of you! Without you, we wouldn't be able to offer so many of the effective programs or have enough staff to provide the support and guidance necessary for mothers who might have never felt cared for before Good Counsel.  Because of you, they are no longer homeless; they are hopeful.  Please enjoy the photos below of some of the babies we've welcomed this year! If you missed any, click here to sign up for Good Counsel email so you'll get the latest baby news!

There are many ways to help mothers and babies at Good Counsel from donations to volunteering to prayers.  Click here to find out how you can help today.

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